Have a Wonderful visit and learn something new about yourself!

The Strangest Massage Ever!
March 9, 2019
What happened with my Reiki specialist will make you laugh! I had an opportunity to have a special treatment with a Reiki professional a few

The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors
March 8, 2019
Many seniors are struggling with arthritis, surgeries, injuries, depression, chronic illness, stress, anxiety, poor sleep and mental health concerns which reduces the quality of life

Helping Headaches with Reiki
March 8, 2019
Headaches have been something we have all experienced at some point in our lives. Stress is often a major contributor to people experiencing headaches, both

Are You a Nervous Flyer?
March 8, 2019
Are you someone who gets sweaty palms at the thought of flying or who hangs on so tight to the arm rests during takeoff and